Sometimes you just get stuck into the past.
A song based on two poems by Dan Ursuleanu who speaks about the vivid memories, lost love and youth.

Based on the Regasire and La rascruce poems by Dan Ursuleanu

Music & Production: Petre Marinescu
Lyrics: Dan Ursuleanu & Petre Marinescu
Copyright: PM Production

Peter the Phantom – Regasire – Lyrics

Te aştept la răscrucea de ghimpi şi de flori,
Îţi caut iar prin mirişti, paşii tai uşori,
Îmi caut si fiorul, prin roşul din fragi
Şi-n zarea răsfrântă, în ochii tăi dragi.

Unde esti? Unde te-ai pierdut?
Te-ai ratacit in ganduri sau in asternut?

Te-ntorci doar prin visuri, de undeva, din Ieri
Pământul ţi-l acopăr în cale cu sărutul,
Trecutul îl desferec, să caut începutul,
Izvor ascuns în iarba frumoasei primăveri.

Unde esti? Unde te-ai pierdut?
Te-ai ratacit in ganduri sau in asternut?

Peter the Phantom – Finding – Lyrics (EN)

I’m waiting for you at the crossroads of thorns and flowers,
I look again through the stubble, your light steps,
I also look for my thrill, through the red of the strawberries
And in the reflected horizon, in your dear eyes.

Where are you? Where did you get lost?
Did you get lost in thoughts or the sheets?

You only return in dreams, from somewhere, from Yesterday
I cover the earth in your path with a kiss,
I tear up the past, to look for the beginning,
Hidden spring in the beautiful spring grass.

Where are you? Where did you get lost?
Did you get lost in thoughts or the sheets?


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